Manager Books to Read

Multipliers by Liz Weizmann (Bef Ayenew) The Making of a Manager by Julie Zhuo Radical candour and 5 dysfunctions of a team Dare to Lead by Brene Brown Just-In-Time Management: Over 950 Practical Lessons Your MBA Professor Didn’t Teach You Extreme Ownership and How F*cked up is Your Management

Self Reflection

I cast a shadow by the things I do, words I speak, and actions I take. My self-perception of my shadow can sometimes be incomplete, and I may experience blind spots about how my shadow affects those around me.

Consider a feedback tool that gathers open, honest, and constructive feedback for self-awareness and reflection.

Situation 1: In 1:1 Meetings Situation 2: In Large Group Meetings Situation 3: When a mistake is made

For each scenario, elect from a list of attributes to describe how I experience someone.